Asking for help from the important people in your life can make a big difference when you quit using tobacco. Family, friends, co-workers, and others can be there for you. You are not alone.

Family & Friends
You might like to solve problems on your own, but everyone can use a little help from time to time. It doesn’t mean you’re weak. If you’re not sure how to ask, text a friend or send an email. You might say, “I want to quit using tobacco. Can you help?” Know anyone who used to smoke or use tobacco? Ask them why and how they quit.
Be Specific About What You Want
Your friends and family won’t always be able to know what help you need as you quit. Be specific about what support you want and don’t want. Try to be nice about it. They are just trying to do what is best for you. For example, if you’re feeling stressed after a long day at work and craving a cigarette, dip, chew, or a vape, ask a friend to help plan a tobacco-free night out to distract you. Help your loved ones find ways to support you.
Say Thank You
Tell your friends you appreciate them, whether you speak it, text it, or show it with your actions. Saying thanks doesn’t take a lot of time, so do it in the moment before you forget. Got a friend who gave up their last piece of gum to help you beat a craving? Buy some gum and give it to your friend with a note that says, “Thanks for helping me stay quit!”
And being grateful has benefits for you too. Studies show that being grateful can improve physical health, mental health, and self-esteem. Being grateful also can reduce stress.
Talking to an expert can be a big help. You can meet with a counselor in person or over the phone. Ask your doctor about face-to-face counseling and any tobacco cessation groups that are available at your local VA. Call 1-855-QUIT-VET to talk with a counselor who’ll help you create a quit plan and follow up to help you stay quit.
Did you know that counseling combined with medication boosts your chances of quitting? It’s true! Ask your doctor which medications may be right for you.
Support Groups
Try to connect with people who’ve been through what you’re going through. You can ask each other questions and help each other stay quit. Join SmokefreeVET on Facebook, a group of Veterans who are quitting and staying smokefree.
Find more resources to help you on your quit journey.